Tracy Roe




Co-Producer - Fight for the Wild, 4 x 1hr documentaries for RNZ & TVNZ
Producer - Canterbury Rebuild Safety Charter Video for ACC
Producer - The Art of Recovery Feature Documentary for Fisheye Films
Producer - Canterbury DHB Health Sector Videos for NZTE
Co-Producer - The Last Ocean Feature Documentary for Fisheye Films
Producer - Alpine & Agriculture Encounter for Methven Heritage Centre
Producer - Get Fresh with Al Brown 10 X 30-minute culinary adventure series for TVNZ
Producer - Coasters 17 X 30 minute journeys around NZ Coastline for TVNZ
Co-Producer/Director/Writer - Hunger for the Wild Series, 27 X 30-minute culinary adventure series for TVNZ
Associate Producer - Growing Up Seal, Moose and Black Bear, 1-hour documentaries for Discovery Channel Animal Planet
Script Editor/Writer - Wild Secrets, 30-minutes series for NHNZ
Writer - Spinner Dolphins, 1-hour documentary for National Geographic International for NHNZ; PALME DE BRONZ 30e Festival Mondial de L'Image Sous-Marine,
Writer - Atlantic Oases, 1-hour documentary for National Geographic International
Writer - The Forgotten Atoll, 1-hour documentary for National Geographic International
Writer - Hotel Iguana, 1-hour documentary for Discovery Channel
Assistant Producer - Animal Inventors, 3 x 1-hour documentaries for Discovery Channel
Assistant Producer - Congo in the Bronx/21st Century Zoo, 1-hour documentary for Discovery Channel
Assistant Producer - Wild Asia: Kingdom of the Coasts; The Arid Heart; In the Realm of the Red Ape, 3x1-hours for NHK/Discovery Channel/NDR